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Photo by Marvin Pelkey

2024-25 Club Executive

This page lists the key volunteers that make up the Langley Camera Club Executive. The Executive usually meets every other month. Executive Meetings are posted in the club calendar.

Who to Contact:

President Carla Hamilton
Vice President Tom Keigher
Secretary Andrea Hoggatt
Treasurer Norma Neudoerffer
Past President Lorna Scott
Awards Coordinator Brian Beevers
Evaluation Committee Coordinator Ken Stratychuk
Marketing Coordinator Liz Robertson
Membership Coordinator Joy Ruffeski
Outings Coordinator Karen Reynolds
Outside Competitions Coordinator Lorna Scott
Speakers Coordinator Grant Crawford
Program Coordinator Michele Broadfoot
Statistician Glenn Disney
Webmaster Kayla Stevenson



Mermaid Dream by Lorna Scott
The Pointe of the Pair by Janet Slater