Image Submission
Every month, members can submit one or two images for scoring and critique. Member images that were submitted to that month’s Evaluation Night are presented on the third Wednesday of each month.
Direct Link to the Visual Pursuits image submission page.
Request for Comment: We ask that level 4, 5, 6 and 7 members please limit their comment request to one. Level 1, 2 & 3 members may request up to 2 photos for comment. Read about advancement levels here.
Acceptance deadline: Photos for Evaluation Night are accepted until 6:00 pm ten days prior to Evaluation Night
Images presented for evaluation must be the creation of the member. There are two types of images that may be entered:
- Projected– Projected images are digitally captured images, or any image that has been digitally prepared for projection (i.e. a slide, print or negative that has been digitally scanned).
- Prints– At this time when in-person meetings are not possible, there are no entries accepted for Print Competitions. Prints are images that originate from film or digital files that are either printed through a commercial lab (such as London Drugs), a chemical darkroom, or with home photographic printing equipment (digital darkroom).
This enables ALL members to participate in Evaluation Night, whether they shoot film or digital. If you are bringing a print, you must also submit a digital image of the print through the Visual Pursuits Competition Submission Page so that we know you will be bringing a print for evaluation.
Read these image requirements prior to clicking on the link:
- Maximum image dimensions are 1400 pixels wide x 1050 pixels tall
- JPEG (.jpg file extension) is the only format accepted, max file size 20MB
Submission Details
The maximum number of images you may submit on Evaluation Night is two, at least one of which must be on Theme.
- A member may submit one image (print or projected) into the THEME category
and/or one image(print or projected) in the OPEN category. - Alternatively, a member may submit two images (print and/or projected) into the THEME category; with none in the OPEN category.
- If only one image is submitted it may be THEME or OPEN. (2 images may be submitted on THEME – the maximum number of images permitted for OPEN is ONE)
Difficulty submitting your image?
Send an email to and explain what happened.
The Fine Print
By entering Langley Camera Club (LCC) evaluations, club competitions, club CAPA competitions or exhibitions, the participants agree to give LCC permission to use their images at any time for LCC non-profit exhibitions, publications (i.e. LCC newsletter) the LCC website and other club promotions. Images may be duplicated by any means (excluding all image modifications) and kept with LCC archives. Entry into competitions implies acceptance of the above, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY REFUSED IN WRITING by the member and the written notice is submitted to the Langley Camera Club Executive.
Image credit will be given to the photographer. The original image remains the property of the maker at all times.
LCC recommends that the photographer obtain model or music release where applicable for their image prior to submitting any entry. The Photographer, not LCC, will be responsible for any legal issues.