The Canadian Association for Photographic Art has developed a Club Services Medal award for exclusive use by any CAPA member camera club. CAPA clubs may recognize one of their club members for outstanding contributions to any field of photography or distinctive services performed for their camera club in the promotion of the art of photography through service, education, exhibition or publication.
Any active member of the club can be nominated, except for currently elected members of the Executive Committee. For a full description of the award and criteria for eligibility, go to the Awards Page.
Please fill in your name and email address, the name of your nominee, and a few sentences on why you are nominating this person. Thanks for making the Langley Camera Club the best camera club in the world!
Your First Name (required)
Your Last Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Nominee's First Name (required)
Nominee's Last Name (required)
Please refer to the criteria for this award. Here are my reasons for nominating this person (required):