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President’s Message Sept. 2019

September 3, 2019

Welcome to the Langley Camera Club

On behalf of the Langley Camera Club I am very excited to announce the launch of our new website!  We hope that with the new look and feel members and prospective members will find it more intuitive to navigate and find out more about who we are, what we do, and learn about the tremendous programing and resources we offer photographers. It is so rewarding to see our member’s photographs displayed so beautifully on our website. A huge thanks to Kayla Stevenson who has really gone above and beyond in the development of our new website.

As we gear up for the fall program at Langley Camera Club, we welcome our members back from the summer break, and encourage prospective members to visit a meeting and check us out. Everything you need to know is here on our website. But if we have missed something don’t hesitate to contact us.

Happy Fall Y’all! Cue the pumpkin spice everything!

We love people and we love making and talking about photographs!

Complete details of our club is located here: LCC Meetings. Read about the latest news and upcoming speakers here.

Sheena Wilkie

Feature image: Beautiful Fall Day by Ruth Anne Grone