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This Month March 2020

February 29, 2020

March Meetings & Outings

  • Wed. March 4 – Executive Meeting
  • Wed. March 11 – Evaluation Night – Theme: Odd Couples
  • Sun. March 15 – Outing for Members & Guests: Cloverdale Harness Racing
  • Wed. March 18 – Development Night – Lighting Techniques with Lorna Scott: This night will be devoted to different kinds of lighting including speed lights (both on camera and off), high speed sync with speed lites, ring light, continuous light (eg. led lights) and last but not least, using every day lights that you have in your home (lamps, flashlights, etc.) We will show you how reflectors can be used in most lighting situations. Several rotating stations will be set up with an ‘in the know’ person at each station to help you. Bring your camera, a remote if you have one, and speedlights if you have them.
  • Wed. March 25 – Program Night Dr. Christian Sasse – Eagles in super slow motion and fractal patterns of the Milky Way
  • Sat. March 28 or Sun. March 29 (TBC) – Outing for Members: Lynn Valley

Meetings start at 7 pm at the Langley Lions Society West Langley Hall, 9400 208 Street, Langley, BC  V1M 2Y9

Featured image: Gerbera by Marvin Pelkey